Background: The sudden shift to online learning due to the Covid-19
pandemic significantly impacted the educational landscape, especially
for elementary school children. This study focused on understanding
how this transition influenced the stress levels experienced by students at
SDN 78 Kendari.
Purpose: to investigate the correlation between online learning and the
stress levels experienced by elementary school children amidst the
Covid-19 pandemic, specifically at SDN 78 Kendari.
Methods: A correlation research design was employed, targeting
students in grades 4-6, totaling a population of 204 individuals at SDN
78 Kendari. The study utilized a purposive sampling technique to select
a sample size of 67 participants. Statistical analysis was carried out using
the Spearman's rho test to establish the relationship between online
learning and stress levels.
Results: The findings revealed a significant relationship between online
learning and stress levels at SDN 78 Kendari, denoted by a P-Value of
0.048. The statistical analysis demonstrated a negative coefficient
number of -0.242. This negative correlation implies that increased
engagement in online learning is associated with higher levels of stress
among the students.
Conclusion: The outcomes of this study indicate a noteworthy
association between the frequency of online learning and elevated stress
levels among elementary school children at SDN 78 Kendari. These
findings emphasize the importance of considering the psychological
impact of online education on young learners, urging the implementation
of supportive measures to mitigate stress during remote learning
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