Principles of Transparency

Nursing Genius Journal, published by PT Nursing Genius Care, wholeheartedly commits to adhering to the Principles of Transparency as outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Best Practices in Scholarly Publishing. The journal ensures transparency in various facets, aligning with COPE's Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Scholarly Publishing. The following outlines the key principles adhered to by Nursing Genius Journal:

  1. Website Integrity: The journal's website manifests a commitment to high ethical and professional standards. It refrains from presenting misleading information or attempting to emulate other journal/publisher sites. A 'Focus & Scope' statement is incorporated on the website, clearly defining readership and publication criteria. The ISSN is conspicuously displayed on both the website and every published article.

  2. Journal Name Clarity: The name Nursing Genius Journal is distinct and unlikely to be confused with other journals, avoiding misleading associations.

  3. Peer Review Process: The journal explicitly declares itself as a peer-reviewed publication. The peer review process is transparently explicated on the website, including the methodology employed. Nursing Genius Journal does not guarantee manuscript acceptance or exceptionally short review times.

  4. Ownership and Management: Information regarding the ownership and management of Nursing Genius Journal is clearly elucidated on the website.

  5. Governing Body: Nursing Genius Journal boasts an editorial board comprising recognized experts within the journal's scope. Full names and affiliations of editorial board members are provided on the journal's website.

  6. Editorial Team/Contact Information: Full names and affiliations of the journal's editors, along with contact information, are presented on the website.

  7. Copyright and Licensing: The journal's copyright policy is distinctly articulated in the author guidelines. The copyright holder is named on all published articles, and licensing information is provided on the website and within articles. Authors are permitted to publish under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

  8. Author Fees: Nursing Genius Journal transparently discloses author fees for the Article Processing Charge (APC) on its website.

  9. Research Misconduct Handling: Editors are unequivocally committed to identifying and addressing research misconduct, adhering to COPE's guidelines.

  10. Publication Ethics: Nursing Genius Journal maintains a comprehensive policy on publishing ethics, prominently displayed on its website.

  11. Publishing Schedule: The frequency at which Nursing Genius Journal publishes is clearly indicated.

  12. Access: The open access nature of the journal and individual articles is explicitly stated for readers.

  13. Archiving: Nursing Genius Journal is included in the Public Knowledge Project Private Network (PKP PN), as clearly indicated.

  14. Revenue Sources: The journal's business model and revenue sources, including funding and fees, are transparently stated on the website.

  15. Advertising and Direct Marketing: Nursing Genius Journal explicitly states its advertising policy, confirming that it does not publish any advertising material. Direct marketing activities are conducted appropriately, with truthful and non-misleading information for readers and authors.